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  • The Victorian Royal Nursery, 1840-1865. Creation, Organisation, Staff, Financing - ebook

    Data dostępności: 29.11.2020

    Data publikacji: 29.11.2020

    The Victorian Royal Nursery attempts to shed more light on the nursery for the children of Queen Victoria. It examines the creation, organisation, and financing of the nursery, with a consideration of the most important individuals who looked after the Royal children, namely the medical staff, wet nurses, monthly nurses, permanent nurses, governesses and subgovernesses. The study is based mostly on...

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    Cena: 29,00 26,10 zł
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  • Achieve Inner Peace with Meditation: Techniques, Benefits and Inspirational Teachers - ebook

    Data dostępności: 14.12.2015

    Data publikacji: 23.09.2015

    „Achieve Inner Peace with Meditation: Techniques, Benefits and Inspirational Teachers” Wojciech Filaber - all through the times, all over the world, there have been seekers of the truth, many of which dedicated their lives to searching the true meaning of life. These prominent masters were aware that there is ‘’something’’ within each individual that allows to achieve...

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    Cena: 14,90 13,41 zł
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